I watched Mitt Romney speak today as he "suspended" his campaign.
I felt awful! How did we all miss this great man's passion?
I was really affected by how much his concern and dedication to our country came through in his speech. He was almost moved to tears several times during his speech when he talked about our founding fathers and what our country needs today.
I don't know why I ignored him over the past few months.
I've been so focused on Hillary, Obama and McCain.
I'm an Independent because I have views that fall on both sides of the spectrum.
But I can respect anyone who is dedicated to seeing our founding fathers' visions through and really believes in America.
Today, a bit too late, I think I found out that candidate is Romney! :(
I'm trying to be excited about McCain too because he shares most of my beliefs but he is just not as inspiring as Romney.
Then there's Obama who is very inspiring but doesn't have a lot of substance.
And then we have Hillary who is so NOT inspiring, yet wouldn't it be great to have a female president? Oh well... food for thought I guess.
On another note, we just returned from AZ yesterday. It was such a fabulous trip!
Nana and Papa played with the kids nonstop and everyone had a great week.
We got to see all our friends and it is amazing how kids can pick up where they left off as if months and even years haven't passed.
We picked out our school, if we should ever move back so that was nice.
We also saw a couple of neat neighborhoods so those will be places to watch over time to see what's available.
Our house goes back on the market this Saturday. I feel pretty good about it, despite the market.
We still haven't decided whether we will move this year or not, but at least we are finally prepared for either scenario.
We have our schools and neighborhoods picked out in both places.
I'm looking at it as a win-win situation. We love Colorado and our life here.
And we would be super fortunate to live by all our family if we move to AZ.
So we are truly blessed.
Collin is asking to go back to preschool so we're going to try that out next week and see how it goes. I'll believe it when I see it. But he says he misses his teachers and that he won't cry anymore.
Kindergarten is going well. Academics are becoming more a part of the kids' days so that is nice to see. An assistant teacher has started a kindergarten reading group for a few kids from Kayla's class and the class next door. This started today so I am looking forward to seeing what Kayla brings home. It will be two mornings a week and they will have homework. This is a good thing, because I don't want K to get to first grade and be shocked if she has a teacher who assigns daily homework. :)
Next week we celebrate Kayla's 6th birthday and Valentine's Day. We can't wait!