Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

We were so excited to see the play, Sleeping Beauty at Hale Theater here in Gilbert on Saturday. We joined Susan, Lauren, Hailey and some other friends for the show.
The kids sat in the front row with us behind them.
The theater is circular and the cast really interacts with the audience so it was so neat to have the kids up close.
At one point Prince Charming calls out, "What shall I do to wake the Princess?"
And the kids called things out. Kayla (and several others) called "Kiss Her!!"
And he came closer to her and asked "What is that you say? What should I do?"
Too cute. It was our first visit to Hale Theater in downtown Gilbert but we hope to hit the kids plays there from now on, which will be extra easy because.....
WE GOT THE HOUSE! We FINALLY found out this morning that the bank officially accepted our contract and we have opened escrow. MAY 15th we will be moving in to our home and I have butterflies in my stomach knowing that the kids will be picking out their bedrooms this Thursday morning! Yay!
Here are pix from the play.

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