Friday, February 26, 2010

Kayla's "friend party"

Kayla had her 4 closest girlfriends over on a Friday evening to celebrate her birthday... girl style!
We decorated flower pots and made Easter arrangements.
The girls had pizza and cake and then they DANCED!
In the weeks leading up to Kayla's birthday I felt a little sad, knowing she was turning 8 and that my little girl was getting big.
But my feelings didn't last long! Seeing Kayla dance with her friends to the latest music and thinking about the kinds of movies and books she is in to, I realized that this just might be the funnest part yet! Babies are sweet and toddlers are cute, but how fun is it to have a little girl who still wants nothing more than to hang out with Mom, and has interests and tastes that I actually enjoy!
Going to the movies together, talking about books and having lunch dates... this is GREAT! Bring on the big girl years! (and yes Kayla is a good head shorter than all her friends even though she's older than half of them!)

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