Thursday, April 8, 2010

Catching Up

There are so many things to remember and type down about our 10 day trip through TX and NM. We visited many historic and fun sites, ate at many restaurants, had great conversations, a wonderful Easter with my cousin's family and most importantly Chris's wedding.
But before I being posting about all of that, there is much to say about the weeks before we left for our trip.
1. Kayla and I went to the theater with her Brownie troop. The girls got to spend an hour before the play learning about the stage and technical aspects of theater and then they go to try some theater techniques. We all had dinner and watched the play (The Little Mermaid) after and the girls earned "Try It Theater" badges.
2. Collin is sent home a reader every week from preschool. His teacher says he is amazing with them! I am immensely proud.
3. Collin's first soccer season ended and he scored his FIRST GOAL!! He really wanted a goal more than anything before the season was up so we were so happy for him.
4. EduPrize began calling prospective students for the coming school year. We have not gotten a call yet! Supposedly we are in for sure, but I've been asked what plan B is. Plan B is more of what we've been doing lately... a lot of reading and a lot of traveling around. I guess we'll know one way or the other in the next few days!

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