WOW... I can't believe it has already come and gone.. the first day of school!
The charter school where the kids attend is on a modified year-round schedule.
This works wonderfully in AZ because the kids go back to school in July when it's really too hot to be doing much anyway. Then they have long breaks in October, December and March. This allows families to have lots of time to enjoy the beautiful weather here as well as travel to places like Disneyland when most everyone else is in school. :) We love that!
Kayla loves her 3rd/4th grade combo class and the fact that you get a teacher for two years in a row. The class sizes are small and the learning approach is neat. Learning is application based, collaborative and investigative. The kids talk and work together to figure things out. The only "no talking" time is during tests.
Kayla loves her teacher, Mrs. W.
Collin loves kindergarten although it goes by quickly at just 2 1/2 hours.
But I get to have him home with me another year so I can't complain.
Mrs. B is super sweet. She gave each of the kids a bag of treats the first day with a note describing what each object represented, such as a Hersheys Hug to remind them that she will give them a hug any time they need one and an eraser to remind them that it's OK to make mistakes in her classroom.
Collin has two buddies from preschool in his class so that was pretty nice.
All in all a good first day and a great first week.
Here are some pix: