Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26th, 2013

So I'm blogging again.
The reasons I had for stopping years ago were a little silly. I didn't blog for so many months that I felt overwhelmed by the prospect of catching up.
Now I realize that it's OK if I don't catch my blog up to date. I can just start right here, right now- today!
It's fitting that the last post I wrote spoke of my late Grandpa Simon. My first post back will speak of little Paxton Joseph Dean, my Grandpa's namesake.
Interestingly, he has blue eyes like Grandpa Joe.
I want to blog again to keep those we love updated and to capture even the little things that I'll want to remember and cherish in the future.
I might vent from time to time and share our family's outstanding moments- from the good to the bad!

Today I had a rough morning. I was frustrated that I couldn't jog because Pax was fighting his first nap. I felt like I wasn't accomplishing a thing, AND I was missing my friend, Liz.
Every day there is a friend I miss and I want nothing more than to pick up the phone and enjoy a nice hour long catch-up session. But I never feel like I have time.

But then, while at Trader Joes,

I realized- wait a minute- it's 11:00 and look what I HAVE accomplished!
By 10:45 today I nursed and changed a baby twice, won a nap battle, coached my son over the phone on a 40 page script before he went in to Cartoon Network to record, edited a few pictures from a recent photo session, dropped my daughter at school and got to the grocery store- with a HAPPY baby in tow! Not too shabby actually!

Said baby is now asleep in the car while I type. I hope he will be agreeable for a quick jog when he wakes.

What I'm currently thinking about:
the elimination diet I'm enduring. Lunch- wild rice with butternut squash and a salad.
how to fit my Shred workout in today... if not then a quick jog.
Liz (miss you my friend! Our conversations are always amazing- going from politics to the vegan diet to frustrations with kids!)
Our upcoming Thanksgiving at Chris and Kelsey's.
My upcoming week long stay in CA. Guess I best find a place to stay!
Prescott- we are back to looking for a little house to buy there.

Pax- I'm so thrilled with how far we've come buddy. I'd do it all over again to see you feel happy and smile!

More to come...


Liz Simon-Eikanger said...

I love that you're blogging again and I miss you too my friend! I feel so special that you were missing me that day, and I so hoped we would have a chance to talk today on your birthday! But as luck would have it, it just wasn't in the cards! We will find time soon, I promise!

Liz Simon-Eikanger said...

So I have no idea why that showed up as Meridian Ranch PTA, but hopefully I changed it! Sheesh! That's awhile back!

Robin said...

That is so funny that it came up as Meridian Ranch PTA.
Well, having a baby really makes you reevaluate things. So little time and what do I want to fill it with? Who do I want to fill it with? You always pop up in my mind when I'm thinking about those kinds of things. :)