Friday, February 7, 2014

What's new this month?

February is off to a marvelous start!
Pax is waking only once a night to eat but is otherwise in his crib from 6-6ish. Mom loves this!
He is the happiest baby I could ever hope for and has given me many new laugh lines which surprise me every time I look in the mirror- lol, yet I wouldn't trade in a million years.
Pax is adored by his brother and sister and kicks his little legs, squealing and laughing every time they arrive home from school. He adores them right back.
The first few months were SO VERY hard with this little guy but he is pure joy now (well- most of the time!) and the best decision we've ever made.
Tim and I have discovered that not only do we get to experience babyhood again (in all it's joys and hardships) but we get to revisit Kayla and Collin's infancies.
As we pull out books and recall songs we used to sing, the kids are often heard exclaiming, "I remember that! I know the words to that!"
Moments come flooding back to them that perhaps might have been lost had we not had this chance to revisit them.
One of my favorite moments was hearing Kayla read "Mooo Baa, La La La" to Pax and singing the "La la la" part just the way I did to her when she was a baby.
When I commented on that, she said, "It just came to me that way. I must have remembered it somewhere in my brain!"

This month Collin records his last Tome episode and Kayla records Peter Rabbit. Other than that, we will be home most of the time and that is going to be so nice.
Kayla is preparing for the regional spelling bee and will be testing for her purple belt in karate this month as well.

Some candids:

I love this picture, in all my disheveled glory. Our housekeeper took this candid and I love it because Pax and I are just hanging in his room having a picnic while I get some things done on the laptop. (Yes there are blankets over his window. We be vampires in this house)

This was taken today at the doc as Pax awaited his 6 month check-up... and shots :(

While we don't have the TV on for Pax yet in his young months, Peter Rabbit came on because our DVR was taping it and he tuned RIGHT in so I had to take a picture. He really focused on Lily... wonder why?

After practicing crawling and holding books and all the other important baby skills, Pax and I usually end up rolling around on the floor together. :)

I could take this picture every day, as Collin is kissing that baby about as often as I do!

How cold I not grab this shot!? Pax loves Grandmas face... and nose!

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