Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am without photoshop (my photo editing software) and for me it is as though I am without words. I deleted it from my hard drive to make room for a trial version of a new photoshop version. Well, my trial ran out in while I was in Michigan.
We are in the process of trying to track down a version that is not crazy expensive.
I have many great pictures from our trip to Michigan. We had such an amazing time.

I got to visit the house I lived in as a little girl and it was beautiful.
We stopped at an old fashioned ice cream shop and I had Superman ice-cream!!
This was my favorite as a kid and it is very very hard to find outside of the midwest. Kayla and I had such nice long visits with both of my grandmothers and they just adore her and Collin.
And it was so fun to be dressed up and pretty for a night of fun at my cousin's wedding. I haven't worn a dress in years and years!

I decided to put the pictures in to a slideshow, which should be up by this weekend on my website. I just need to go through them once I have my software!
I will also be posting a slideshow of Kayla's kinder days.
I'll post the link to both here soon!

Lots of posts to come once I am able to edit pictures again.

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