Friday, October 17, 2008

Theater Kids

Well the Phoenix Valley Youth Theater is becoming a big part of our lives, particularly mine and Kayla's. Between her acting class and recent auditions, we seem to be there a few times a week.
I am so impressed with the group of people there that more than ever I hope Kayla will remain in drama for the rest of her childhood, and maybe even her whole life in some capacity.
This is the first big time city theater we've been a part of, so it is fascinating to learn about stage production, casting, directors, etc...
Treasure Island is the play that is currently going on at the theater.
The stage is really incredible to look at.

We were there twice recently for the Winnie the Pooh Christmas Musical auditions.
Most of the cast of Treasure Island showed up to audition for the musical and I can't even put in to words what a family the cast and crew really are.
I don't know about Hollywood kids or movie actors, but theater kids are the nicest, most outgoing and quirky group of people I have ever met.
These teenagers are openly geeky, sweet and dramatic.
They were oohing and ahhhing over Kayla and the other little ones, and you could just tell how nurturing and sweet they are.
Kayla felt very much at home with these kids and it was a very emotional moment for me.
I was not in to theater as a kid so this is all new to me. And I love it!!!
Tim and I are learning that theater is extraordinarily important to Kayla. She is very emotional about it and told us the other night that it is her "job to be on stage. I love being there and I believe it is for the people in the audience."
(yes, I was covering the smile on my mouth as it was a little dramatic and funny, but still so cute that she feels that way) :)
So I'm slowly adjusting to this new part of our life.
It requires a LOT... a lot of driving, a lot of patience and a lot of schedule rearranging. And throughout all of this, I have to be sure that Collin is happy and succeeding in his little life. I remember that it was the age of 4 for Kayla that she seemed to start trying sports and dance and things like that, so I'm hoping that 2009 brings new and fun opportunities for my now "preschool age" boy.
The toddler years are quickly disappearing. :(
Life is crazy busy here, and I've stopped saying, "we have a crazy week, but next week should be better." I'm giving in to the fact that this is probably what life will be like from now on.
Tim is being incredible supportive and patient, considering I usually pass out on the couch as soon as the kids are in bed.

BUT I must say I am in high heaven today. This weekend I shoot a Friday wedding, which means I have Saturday and Sunday off to just relax and play.
I LOVE when I have Friday shoots!!! So I'm off to work, but when I get home I'll have 48 beautiful unscheduled hours ahead of me!

1 comment:

Seandee Ambrosia said...

Please let me know when her plays are I would love to take the kids!!
