Tuesday, December 23, 2008


First off, I am so ecstatic because Kayla got to see her favorite singer, Sarah Brightman perform on Sunday night. We could only afford two tickets, and Kayla wanted Tim to escort her, as it is their "thing" to sing opera to eachother.
When we told Kayla that she needed to pick out a pretty dress because she was on her way to see Sarah she cried.
Sarah puts on quite a performance with several dramatic outfits, dancers, musicians and lighting. Tim and Kayla were SO VERY fortunate that she decided to include Phantom of the Opera as one of her songs that night.
They had an amazing time. You can check out "Sarah Brightman Symphony Tour" clips on
youtube.com to get an idea of what the concert was like.
We are forever grateful to Tim's parents, as this was part of their Christmas gifts to us. Talk about making a little girl's dream come true.
Kayla's piano teacher is including voice and ear training in her lessons and Kayla is flourishing in to quite a singer. I don't know how to say this delicately, but you wouldn't have thunk it a few months ago. :)
Our second bit of news is one that I am cautiously optimistic about:
We have made an offer on a house. We won't hear anything for several weeks, as this is a short sale and it takes at least 30 days for bank approval.
We really low-balled with our offer as the house needs some work and because of the current market conditions. There is a fair chance that the bank will reject our offer.
We are lucky to have a lot of help from my parents navigating through this crazy market. They have been on the lookout for deals and have been looking at houses with us. It's been so fun and helpful to have them involved.
If it works out (and again I'm trying to reign in my excitement) we will be the proud owners of a great home on very large lot within walking distance to EduPrize.
This would mean that Kayla will once again be switching schools, but she will be part of a 1/2 day program which I believe will be a much better fit for our family.
Collin is already enrolled for kindergarten there so the lucky guy would get to go to the same school all the way through 8th grade.
We shall see how it works out. We know the market is loaded with short sales and foreclosures so we try to remind ourselves that this is not the only home out there.
But we sure do like it! :)

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