Monday, May 11, 2009

Kayla's tooth

Kayla has had a loose tooth for about a year now.
She might have set a record!
This is due in large part to her intense fear of pain of any kind.
For the past few months we've gotten a little more serious (dentist's orders) about encouraging her to wiggle that tooth and bite straight in to apples, etc...
FINALLY, her tooth was loose enough for Mom to tug it out last night!!!
Yay Kayla!

The person Kayla has trusted most to wiggle her tooth has been Collin.

It was time to get this puppy out!

I finally yanked it out with a "POP"! One thing that is so fun about Kayla is that life moments really mean a lot to her. She cried tears of happiness and tears of sadness about growing up.

Kayla has a special tooth fairy box given to her by Great Grandma Bernhardt.
It was bittersweet to finally use the box on Mother's Day and not be able to call Grandma to tell her about it.

Kayla couldn't bear to part with her first baby tooth, so she asked the tooth fairy if she could keep it. We found out that the tooth fairy has a website with a q and a section. Turns out it is OK to keep a tooth as long as it does not become a habit. :)

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