Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Gaslight theater

Well Tim had an itch to get out of the house on Sunday so we headed on down to Tuscon Arizona. Tim found a place called The Gaslight Theater and they were supposed to be featuring a magician. We hurried to get there in time only to find that Tim had the date wrong... the parking lot was empty.
You can imagine how disappointed the kids were.
But the box office was open and as fate often has it, we found a play showing that very afternoon. And the theme... superheros!! "The Freedom League of America".
The kids were thrilled and even more so upon finding out that we were supposed to boo the bad guys and cheer the good guys (and gals).
So we headed over to Tim's favorite restaurant, Mama Leones and had a delicious lunch.
Then we spent an hour at Toys R' Us playing with about everything there.
When we arrived back at the theater we were delighted to find popcorn on all the tables and the waitstaff dressed in superhero uniforms ready to take our orders.
The theater was a wooden, old west type of place. The kids enjoyed HUGE hot fudge sundaes while watching, quite honestly, the best local theater we have ever seen.
What a BLAST the entire experience was. The kids absolutely loved the play.
Here is a link to the play description:
We think we might turn in to regulars at the Gaslight Theater!!

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