Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Memoirs

I always promised that I would record our normal day to day activities so that you guys could look back at what a week in your lives looked like. There are so many sweet and special moments to record, that I forget to write about the routine things.
This summer has been great. Most of our days have been spent at home and in our pool.
Bailey and Ethan are here with you so often it's like we have our own little world.

Collin, you have attended two camps. One was an Infinity and Beyond gymnastics camp which you loved! You also went to a 3 day "wild west" camp at your preschool.
You love your cooking class, playing with Ethan, swimming and seeing your grandparents.
We are working on reading, writing and drawing this summer. You are becoming a terrific reader! We like to play "stump Collin" and your giggling and silliness are a joy as you sound out words. :)
You are ACTIVE and you tire Mom out but sometimes we go on Mom and Collin dates while Kayla is in class and I just stare at your adorable face while you tell me tall tales. You will begin soccer and crazy creative cupcake class in the fall.
You also start three day a week preschool which makes me so happy, because you will get the opportunity to make your own friends and have your own time.
But it is tough on Mom because I know it is my last year with you at home.
Luckily you will be attending half day kindergarten next year so we will still have our Mom and Collin lunch dates and lots of time, just the two of us.

Kayla, you also love your cooking class. You enjoy seeing Chloe there and on playdates as often as possible. You are spending a lot of time with Bailey and we adore your friends. You have always been so blessed in the friend department.
You attended a "get ready for second grade" camp and had a blast. You are taking a writing and math enrichment class every Monday and have made fast friends with your tutor and your classmate, Savannah. You continue with piano and voice and demonstrate your love for music often.
We volunteer at the nursing home every other Monday and the residents love your singing and our games. You just started horseback riding and it is your new favorite thing. Unfortunately we won't be riding too much until the fall because being on a horse in 115 degree weather is just plain dangerous!
We are working on vocabulary words this summer. We continue to play "stump Kayla" and Daddy and I are blown away by the fact that we can rarely stump you.
I believe you can read almost as much as we can at this point and I have to be careful about the books and articles that I leave around. You have been known to check out a few pages of the novels I am reading before I realize it!
This fall you will begin a craft class with Chloe and an acting class.
You are still deciding between soccer and hip hop. You are almost in at the nearby charter school so we will be homeschooling for a year or less.
I am excited because you love school and making friends.
I am going to cherish this year with you though, because I'll be letting go of you all over again when you finally do get in to that school.

A few people have asked me if I'm "going crazy" homeschooling.
In fact, I couldn't be happier, and I know you and I will both look back and cherish the extra time we had together at home. I will never dislike or regret the time I have/had with you both at home. I know you won't either.
It's time we can never get back and every minute I have with you is a gift.

Daddy and I often like to take "the road less traveled" and we maximize every moment we have together as a family. I encourage you to do the same as adults.
Study what you want to study in college. Raise your kids in your own way and educate them as you see fit. Don't do what everyone else is doing or what you are "supposed" to do unless it works for you. You will be happier in the long run.
Always be giving, but when it comes to your family be selfish! Be selfish with your weekends and your time with your kids. Pull them out of school for an extended family vacation, skip the neighbor's birthday party to take a day trip instead.
So many events and obligations pull us in many directions. Try not to feel too pulled.
Travel, explore your world and don't be afraid of trying new things!!
We hope that the mix of family time and opportunities that you are enjoying this summer prepare you for a new year and an exciting life!
I so look forward to the fall and this new school year.
Love you both!
And those are my summer thoughts! Now we are off to the water slides!

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