Monday, August 23, 2010

Foster family

Yay! It has finally happened! I am fostering someone.
Babies, puppies or kittens... I would have been happy with any but Tim limited it to kittens. :) That's OK. We love kittens in this house!
Here our are babies: Hunter, Patch and Nonnie in that order

Each kid was able to name a kitten and the one left I got to name. For the first time in my life I couldn't come up with anything! So Kayla suggested I name her "Anonymous" which I thought was a bit long, so we went with Nonnie for short.
The kittens have been loads of fun... and loads of work!
Collin is having some pretty strong allergic reactions to them. So strange since he doesn't react to JuneBug and tested negative for pet allergies. But this always happens to him when he is around multiple cats or kittens.
So we'll see how it goes. If he doesn't get better our fosterees might have to go to another home for the remainder of their pre-adoption time but for now... fun!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness... these are the most adorable kittens ever! How are you going to give them up when it's time?