Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parent Teacher conference... Collin

Yesterday was our parent teacher conference with Collin's kindergarten teacher.
We loved hearing how our second born wild and crazy guy was doing in kindergarten.
We were excited to learn that Collin is at the final stages of writing that is expected in kindergarten.
They were asked to draw a picture of their favorite snacks. Collin drew a bag of Trail Mix and underneath he wrote, "Tral Mics"
Which is actually really good!
So his "individual prescription" as they call it is already having him moving on to writing sentences with complete thoughts. Go Collin!
He is reading well and recognizes all the sight words required to move in to the reading program early. Collin can't wait to show his teacher what kinds of books he can already read!
And he has a love of counting and numbers.
Most of all, we were happy to learn that the teacher considers him a very passionate and excited learner and that he is almost perfectly behaved in class.
Almost because he interrupts. :) That is something he has to work on. He has a lot to say a LOT of the time but we're glad he is confident and excited!
All in all, a great conference to confirm what we already knew.
Collin is one smart cookie! And a great kid most importantly. We can't wait to see all the "character counts badges" he has earned!

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