Monday, September 6, 2010

Parent Teacher conference... Kayla

It was great to meet with Mrs. W. She is so sweet and reminds me a lot of Collin's loving preschool teachers. She hugs the kids, encourages them and even talks to them on a friend level at times.
We learned that Kayla is lively, creative and talkative in class but very well behaved. Socially and emotionally she is well adjusted, which just goes to show that homeschooling a child does not necessarily hurt them socially. It depends on their personality to begin with.
She is still a bit more mature than the kids in her class... always has been a bit of an old soul. So apparently she had some frustrations when they were put in to groups to work on geology. She didn't like the arguing and interrupting going on.
But that's OK... it's a great lesson to work with all different types of kids.
That's life!
Science, reading and writing are all going well. In fact, just as Collin's teacher had commented, Mrs. W said Kayla has a wonderful writing talent.
Who would have thunk it that I would have these two great writers when I could barely tolerate working on writing with them because I hate handwriting myself and it pains me to watch a kid trying to do it.
The other thing I did not work on with Kayla is timed math tests.
I am impressed with how fast she's caught up but she still has to get a little faster.
So our goal is to practice timed math facts every day... maybe we'll have time now that her play has ended.

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