Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A day in the life of a Mom

*wake up to feed two hungry kids.
*have kids feed two hungry dogs
*ignore cat
*Email rsvp's to two birthday party invitations
*remove dog toy from second story hanging light fixture with a shower curtain rod
*pack up backpacks and lunches
*drop son at a playdate
*drop daughter at school
*drop Guess jeans at seamstress to be hemmed
*stop at grocery store for more deli meat and milk
*send 4th angry email to a teacher keeping up my end of an email argument
*complain to friend about the injustices of the world and the American Education system.
*complain to second friend about the injustices of the world and the American Education system (this time via text)
*work out on Elliptical
*take 15 minutes of zen time sitting in the pool
*spray tan myself for our Vegas trip
*read text response about the injustices of the world and the American Education System.
*Feel mollified
*Meet Mom for pedicure.... ahhhh
*run to Costco for vita-tops and milk. Damnit did I already get milk? Ooh simply gogurt is on sale!
*drop cold groceries at home
*pick up both kids from school, dealing with the awkward moment of seeing my email argument partner
*find out I have won argument. Mollified, justified, exhausted
*meet another friend for dinner.
*Complain about the injustices of the world and the American Education system
Good night

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