Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Pax's 4 month checkup and acting update

Coll and K update:

- Collin is recording Tome of the Unknown every Tuesday in LA and having a BLAST. I will update when it begins airing on Cartoon Network.
- Kayla is recording Peter Rabbit every few weeks and will record for Adventures in Odyssey again in January. She is also recording some Care Bears learning apps.
- Neither kiddo is doing much in the way of auditioning as they are enjoying being kids and big brother/big sister these days.
- Collin was invited to join team at Gymnastics.
- Kayla is involved in her school musical and she is thrilled. She loves music theater and hasn't had the opportunity to do it in years.
- Kayla was accepted on Project X at school. This is a trip to CA for 6th graders who keep their grades and behavior shiny clean. :)

-Pax had his 4 month check up today where we learned (which I already suspected) that he has ptosis of the eyelid. When he was born his right eye did not open all the way. Now
that it's open, we noticed it still appears smaller than his other eye. Ptosis can get better or worse and is corrected with surgery if it worsens. With all that can go wrong with babies, I
won't complain. His eyes are beautiful anyway. :)

Pax's percentiles:
Head: 90th
weight: 25th
length: 75th

In sad news, Drew (my first baby) has grown old. He has lived a long and happy life of 15 years but has recently declined quite a bit in health. Chris and Kelsey have made the difficlut decision to have him put to sleep this Saturday morning. It's going to be a tough day. He means so very much to our whole family, grandparents included. Drew will always be in my heart.


Liz Simon-Eikanger said...

Ok, now I'm crying! We are struggling with Indy (also 15)! Remember their head on collision and Indy's bloody nose in Avon, CO when you came to visit us there?? I don't know when is the right time to let them go in peace... I waited way too long with Libby and I am afraid she really suffered for that. How did Kelsey and Chris know??? Indy has Canine degenerative myelopathy, so he is losing control of his back legs. I feel like I'm waiting for him to just fall down and break something especially now that it is icy and snowy out.... Such a painful decision!

Robin said...

Awww- I'm sorry to hear about Indy. Drew's back legs (well three actually) have given out almost totally. He is so uncomfortable. I'll forward you an email from Kelsey explaining the situation. I totally remember their collision! That was so crazy. I felt terrible! Talk soon. Remind me I need to discuss a dog related thing with ya!