Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Waiting Game

Well, we are becoming pretty good at this game.
Right now we are waiting to find out if we got the house we have a bid on.
We are waiting to find out if Kayla has a spot at EduPrize for second grade.
We are waiting to see if indeed, this house we are currently renting will be foreclosed on.
You'd think all of these question marks would create one giant ball of stress.
But I'm finding that we Deans live pretty well in the unsettled zone.
It's kind of fun not having every step of your life planned out and set in stone.
We certainly hope that all will work out with the house and school but if it doesn't it's just a new adventure.
Homeschooling is so fun that it is going to be painful to let this chapter of our lives go. So if we have to look at another year or more of it I think we'll be pretty pleased anyway.
Right now the kids are enjoying book clubs, science club, lego days, park days, plays at the local theaters and lots and lots of good books.
They officially swam in the pool yesterday (it's still too cold for me).
So we are keeping busy while we continue to wait.

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