Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Flu

Well, Mom has the good old flu.... maybe not even the old flu but the new one. The swine flu. Yuck!
I guess that's what you get when surrounded by thousands of people in small places in a city like Las Vegas.
We had such a fantastic trip, but this virus is horrible!
I have to stay drugged up on Vicadin to function because the pain and chills are so bad.
I am staying at Papa and Nana's house to avoid contaminating the kiddos.
I just wanted to write about how amazing our family and friends are.
Grandma Elephant came out to Queen Creek and brought my chicken noodle soup and otter pops.
Uncle Chris is coming to visit me today. Our friends are picking the kids up, feeding them and sending me
many well wishes. Most of all, Tim is encouraging me to stay here and rest as long as I need to.
(Part of that is his desire to NOT catch this but but who can blame him)
I feel very loved and I always marvel at the people in our lives.
We are blessed.


Unknown said...

Oh I hope you are up and around soon! Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the old flu bug. Just take care and get well quick. Love and prayers.

Aunt Pat