Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chasing Papa

One of the beautiful things about living near the grandparents are the unique and special relationships the kids have with each of their grandparents.
They have special names for all 4 of them and special things they do with each.
The kids call my Dad "Chasing Papa".
This name came about because my Dad often chases our car out of the driveway much to the kids squealing delight. He hides from them, jumps out at them and chases them around often.
Collin loves playing with Chasing Papa and definitely feels loved and valued by him.
Kayla loves writing with Papa and sharing interest in history and archaeology.
What is great about all 4 of the kids grandparents is that they are all young at heart. Always willing to get on a ride, play a game or take a walk with the kids.
Recently the kids got to attend an Arts Festival in downtown Mesa. (Pictures to come)
Kayla enjoyed dancing with Papa to the wild music being played and playing some writing and drawing games at the restaurant.
Also recently, Nana and Papa went with us to check out Collin's all time favorite place to be, "The Brunswick Zone Bowling Alley and Arcade" where his favorite game/ride "Haunted Mine" is. Papa was a good sport and hopped on with Collin :)
Thanks Papa for all you do and all you mean to us and the kids!

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