Friday, September 18, 2009


Legoland was a blast today. It was truly one of those perfect days.
We are really fortunate too because last night we had our doubts.
After a couple of days of questionable behavior from sweet Collin, he came down with a full blown runny nose and nasty earache on our drive here. At about 8:30 PM we stopped at a Walgreens in some small CA town. I was sure he had an ear infection but Tim thought it was probably just pressure.
After a dose of children's sudafed(pharmacist's recommendation) Collin was 100% which I can't believe.
I think I might be a walking advertisement for the stuff now.
He slept through the night, waking only once for a redose at 4:00 AM.
In the morning he was bright eyed and chipper and very excited, as was Kayla.

We arrived at Legoland right before they opened and we're so thankful we chose a weekday to go.
We almost had that park to ourselves. There were lots of Mom's groups with toddlers, but barely any school age kids at all. There was no wait for any ride at any time. Many of the rides let us go over and over again since no one was waiting.
It was awesome!
The weather was a perfect 78 degrees. I've never seen Collin as excited as he was at Legoland. Both kids said that they liked it way better than Disneyland!
I don't know if I would agree with those sentiments, but I understand what they mean.
Legoland is just a little less chaotic and there is less pressure to hit everything, get character autographs or see everything.
It was actually fairly relaxing.
I must say I was also really impressed! I knew everything was Lego themed, but I felt like I was looking at art half the time with some of those Lego sculptures!!

Then we headed to dinner at a restaurant on the beach and walked around for a while after.
It's amazing to see the kinds of emotions the ocean evokes... even in children.
They were so in awe and so thrilled to be there.
Tomorrow we'll be at the beach all day building sand castles and collecting shells.
There is talk of swimming in the ocean, but it will be too cold for me. :)
Pictures to come.

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