Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our preschool graduate

We are so proud of everything Collin has accomplished this past year at preschool.
He loves his teachers and he has made wonderful friends. He is reading and tackling concepts that have him so very prepared for school.
Most of all the character that his preschool ingrained in him is priceless.
We were so sad to say goodbye to Miracle of Minds Preschool but so excited to congratulate our new kindergartner.
With the help of Kayla and my friend Brandi, we got the cars and the house decorated and ready for our preschool celebration party. We had fresh lemonade, snacks, pizza and cupcakes on the way. The preschoolers sang some songs and received "awards" and then we had our tearful goodbyes. We headed back to our house for the party and just as we walked in the door Collin ran, tripped and hit his face on the train table which turned out to be a bloody mess. So I had him at urgent care getting stitches (just one thankfully) while the party went on. The kids were so nice when we returned and took turns playing and sitting with him since he couldn't go in the pool. The Moms were all very helpful and sympathetic and somehow the day turned out to be great after all!

The kids sang some sweet songs.

Collin holding his diploma.

I think Kayla cried harder than anybody.

We had lots of fun with window paints!

Lots of people fit under my umbrella. I love it!

The stains did not come out of his swimshirt so we saved it in his memory box. :)

After a couple of days of healing

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