Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a week in review

Kayla lost her 5th tooth!

Collin is a Dragon Slayer! He started a Reading Club that meets on Mondays with a retired reading specialist. It's a group of 5 to 7 year olds that runs in 9 week sessions. This session is "How to Train Your Dragon" themed. Miss Kathy reads to them from the book and does comprehension exercises. They do a fun craft and then she works with each kid individually at their reading level. They have two books a week to work on at home. We hit the jackpot with this teacher!

I started reading this book and it is teaching me SO much. We saw Lisa speak at our church and now I am doing a mini book club discussion with a good friend.
I feel like I've been given the tools to be a better friend to my friends while also learning to stop putting energy in to friends who don't give back.
Friendship is give and take, not just GIVE. It is amazing what happens when you start nurturing friendships with people who really care about you.

Kayla had her costume fitting for Annie Get Your Gun. Very exciting day!

My friend Brandi made a skirt for Kayla out of material that Kayla picked out.
We love it and love that she took the time to make it for her!

Arizona Golden Retriever Rescue brought us a much anticipated Golden for us to foster. Marley was adorable, sweet and cuddly. And absoultely AGGRESSIVE with other dogs. After much snapping he finally bit Abby. Our introduction and getting to know eachother time ended abruptly and the sweet women from the Arizona Golden transport team took Marley away to another foster home without dogs. Wouldn't you know that we are the first case in all of AZ Golden Rescue history where a Golden attacked another dog.

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