Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I was 15 when I met Julie.
We instantly recognized our identical ridiculous sense of humor.
We could have fun in a room full of people or all by ourselves.
Getting in to trouble was a hobby, and laughing was our joy.
I was lucky to spend a whole weekend with Julie in San Diego,
and although I would have never thought it possible, we laughed
harder than we ever have before. This will go down as one of the best
weekends of our friendship I'm sure!
I also got to spend hours talking to Julie's Mom, Joyce, who we can
joke with wildly as well. What a treat for me!
I love them both dearly.
Julie has a husband much like my own, thoughtful, helpful, understanding with a dry sense of humor. :)
So although we tested his patience more than once, Eric was a good sport and put up with our antics.
Spending a few days getting to know Zach and Alyssa (the kids) a little better was
a treat too. What beautiful and well mannered kids.
Most of all though, I enjoyed laughing, laughing, laughing!!!
Thanks to Julie's Mom, we got to stay in a beach house on the Bay.
Wow- what a beautiful place to wake up to.
Attached are some pictures.
One when we were juniors in high school, the rest taken this past weekend.
Some things never change.

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