Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lucy in the sky with.... wings

Well we almost lost Lucy tonight. And I mean that in the permanent sense, not in the can't find her sense.
I will always remember the way she looked.
It was one of the most comical and awful things all at the same time.
I was in the kid's bathroom... door to the hall open, Kayla in the shower and me trying to condition her hair.
So the shower curtain was open half way, and Kayla starts laughing hysterically and pointing to the hall, "ha ha ha... he he he look at Lucy!"
Frustrated, I ask her to please stand still so that I can put the leave-in conditioner in her hair.
More hysterical laughter and then, "Mom she is walking really funny"!
So I turn around and then... "AHHHHHHH"! I scream.
There is Lucy with her head fully and tightly in a plastic bag which is filled with steam from her trying to breathe. She was starting to tip and wobble as she walked from lack of oxygen (or maybe she couldn't see with all that steam).
I ripped the bag from her head and she gratefully took a huge breath and ran off.
I examined the bag, wondering how in the world she did it. I realized that she had stuck her head in to an open cracker box to eat the last few crackers.
Upon pulling her head out of the box, the bag stayed on and I guess she came to find us to help her.
Another reason not to leave her out in the house when we're not here.
That bag was so tight around her head I honestly do not know what would have happened if no one helped her.

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