Friday, August 21, 2009

Secret Messenger

Kayla has been meeting weekly with a writing and math enrichment tutor.
Mrs. K is fabulous and it's amazing what she has accomplished with Kayla.
I see her math weekly, but have not seen the writing because they have been working on a secret writing project for 6 weeks.
Kayla has been begging us to check the mail for the past few days.
On Wednesday, we received the below letter in the mail.
It came in an envelope with "urgent matter" written on the envelope and "from an accredited children's organization"
We read the letter with Kayla giggling and jumping up and down in the background.
Mrs. K told me yesterday that Kayla wrote this letter all by herself. The game was that Kayla would be writing as if she were someone writing on behalf of Kayla.
Mrs. K has been teaching her thought organization, persuasive writing skills and best of all she had Kayla using a thesaurus. She is teaching her how to make ordinary sentences sound more "WOW".
We were so excited for Kayla's accomplishment! Although, this letter is from a "secret messenger" not Kayla. ;)
You can click on the letter to see a bigger version.

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