Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Country songs

This picture was taken tonight. See how well my sleep plan is working out??
Ha ha... no really... actually the sleep plan worked beautifully.
The kids were in their own beds, sleeping through the night with their new sleep buddies (the stuffed animals that needed sleep training).
But then we had to leave the house again due to the dusty messy work being done in our basement.
A couple of nights in a hotel, and we're back to sleeping together!
I love how close my kids have become so I do find the whole thing pretty cute.
But I told them tonight is the last night... then we're getting back to our OWN beds!
Although I'm feeling happy and fine today, I decided that my life is a bit of a country song right now!
My house is falling apart, my dog got hit by a car (maybe.. more on that later)
Tim is travelling so we're missing him. Now my truck (OK minivan) just needs to break down!
But in the whole scheme of things- life is pretty darn good! :)

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