Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Musical Beds

Anyone who knows our family knows that Tim and I have little to no ability to let our kids cry it out at night. I don't know when this happened, because I was extraordinarily tough with Kayla's sleep schedule when she was a baby. If she needed a nap and it took her two hours of crying to get there... well then that's what it took. And she has been a great sleeper for it. But now, all it takes is for one tremor in Collin's little lips, and the words, "I'm scared" and one of us is sleeping with him.

Lately Kayla has been having bad dreams and getting in to our bed. Sometimes she gets in to Collin's bed. Sometimes the bed I fall asleep in is not the bed I awake in.
It's getting a bit out of control. We love sleeping with our kids- but it's out of control!!

Monday night Kayla came downstairs crying saying she refused to go to sleep.
I asked her why and she said, "Our babysitter told us we had to go to sleep because we grow when we sleep."
"That's true... so what's the problem?" I ask.
"Well, I don't want to grow. Growing means I'm getting older, so growing is bringing me closer to my own death!" And she started crying again.
So I explained how lack of sleep can cause health problems, and bad health can also bring us closer to death. This seemed to help a bit. :)

But tonight is the night!!
I bought each of the kids a stuffed animal with terrible sleep habits.
Their job is to teach the stuffed animal how to stay in bed all night and be brave.
So far so good. They are both asleep in their own beds.
Kayla even read a story to her new stuffed animal to calm him down. :)
We'll see if we all remain in our own beds though!!

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