Saturday, January 26, 2008

summing up the week

Well Collin started his gymnastics class on Friday morning and we are very proud of him! Sometimes he can be a bit intimidated by new situations, especially ones involving lots of people.
So he started crying as soon as we got in to the parking lot insisting he wouldn't do it. Then he cried some more when we got in to the building.
And I eat it up. Isn't that terrible?!
I can't help it. I absolutely love this little boy who is happiest just to be with me and Tim. My Mom asked him the other day if he was going to start preschool.
He said, "No, I'd miss my Mommy too much".
I'll be content for Collin to ride along on my hip as long as he wants.
A year ago he was butting heads with me constantly and making life pretty challenging. I love 3 year old Collin who can't seem to put his clothes on anymore or buckle his seatbelt. He just wants me to be his Mommy and do it all like I used to.

Yes- I know... I can only eat it up for so long. It's also my job to help him become confident and independent. Which is why I insisted he did gymnastics on Friday.
And ya know what? After a few minutes he was running around laughing having a blast.
I was so happy for him. Collin rocks!!
Today Kayla got her part for the play in her acting class.
It's a really cute little play. It's about a hair salon with different princesses and characters coming in with hair issues.
For instance, Rapunzel needed a haircut desperately!
Sleeping Beauty had a rat's nest for sleeping for so many years.
And Goldilocks (whom Kayla is playing) needs her hair color to be changed to brunette because the 3 little bears are ticked off and after her for rummaging around in their house!
Wow- she has a lot of lines so we are going to be practicing every day!
We also went to "Walking with the Dinosaurs" which was such an awesome experience!
The kids loved it, although Collin and cousin Nicky plugged their ears much of the time. :)
When the inevitable meteor hit and ended the dinosaurs' time here on earth Kayla cried and I cried with her. I love experiencing moments with that girl because she feels them down to her soul.

Tomorrow we leave for AZ. I am making a promise to myself. I will try to never be afraid to pull my kids out of school for vacations and experiences.
I can't believe how fast they grow up and I'm not going to bend to the pressures and worries of school systems! My kids and I are going to have fun whenever and wherever we want. I had always promised this to myself but found myself really worrying about telling Kayla's teacher we were leaving for a week.
Now that I've notified everyone and gotten everything in place I wonder what I was so worried about??

Finally, I got my hair done tonight by a local gal. Sometimes souls meet up in the strangest places. We talked and talked and I learned that she lost her daughter to cancer at age 21 after her 7 year battle. She told me that her daughter was never once worried about her own death. Instead, she was worried that what was happening to her would kill her parents and brother. So Donna (the hairdresser) told me that she smiled every day so that her daughter would know it didn't kill her after all.
She cried when she told me that and I cried too. And I am crying right now.
Then she told me that her passion was training horses. She has a few pregnant mares right now and told me I could bring the kids out to see the babies in the Spring and that Kayla could ride one of her horses.
So even though my hair is too blond and a little too brassy I am thankful that I met her and I will stay in touch with Donna.


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