I'm a busy Mommy balancing the care of one infant at home with the school, sports and acting careers of my other two children. We are a family on the go and life is sweet, fun, crazy and challenging. This is my system of recording moments and thoughts for my family and a way for those close to us to take a peek inside our lives when they would like to be updated.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The true nature of Lucy
Is Lucy a Chihuahua or a Cavachon?
The kids just can't decide based on her deceiving fluff.
Underneath she is a quivering skinny Chihuahua.
Take a peek at her bath picture and then her after-bath picture.
What a difference a towel dry makes!
Lucy had her last round of shots this past week and is a whopping 6 lbs!
She has more than doubled her weight!
She has grown enough to get to hang out in the "doggie playroom" during the day
instead of in her kennel or under my close supervision.
The "doggie playroom" is the basement where the big dogs hang out with Tim all
day while he works.
You can tell how cool Lucy feels when she hangs out down there. :)
She is a sweet bundle of joy who makes the kids giggle often and who gives
me my baby fix when needed.
She also has a bit of attitude. But we'll call that spunk!
GARAGE SALE on Ross Lake Drive!
Today was a beautiful breezy 75 degree day and the perfect start to our weekend garage sale. I can't believe how much STUFF we have!
What is it with American families and the STUFF we accumulate?
It felt so good to know that we have gone through almost every box we own and that
we are selling over half of the kid's toys.
We worked all week to get ready for the sale and then I made the super smart decision to go out with my friend, Audra for drinks and dinner last night. (yeah, not a good idea the night before a garage sale).
Then for some strange reason no one could sleep in our house last night, including the dogs. So I slept from 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM and I'm beat!
I woke up and guzzled more coffee than I ever have in one morning before and got in to action. We sold a ton today, but we expect even more traffic tomorrow.
Jenner came and helped me out a ton!
The best part of the day was seeing Kayla and Emmy work their lemonade stand.
Kayla and Collin made their own signs and that was so cute.
At first the girls had no takers, so they actually paid a little boy a quarter to take a cup of lemonade! I had to explain that might not be the best way to accumulate wealth! Then they got in to the swing of things and made a little money.
Then Collin and Abby opened up their cookie sale table. Let me tell you though, they really ate in to their profits. LOL!
After we close up tomorrow, the kids will take their profits and decide how much to donate and how much to spend on some new toys. :)
What a fun weekend!
I should also mention that Tim had a talk with Collin last night. I won't go in to details, but Collin won't be taking things without asking anymore or hitting me.
I think he might be straightened out!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
It is official.
I am a WII fan. I was the one who pushed to get it for something
fun and active to do as a family.
But I tell you- I have seen magic happen with this game!
Saturday night we had Susan, Brian, Jack and Nick over.
Grandpa and Grandma Dean were here too. It is so fun to watch
the guys play, or to see a grandchild compete with his or her Grandma!
Tonight we had the VanHorns over. I have never seen more excitement in a room
before. It was like the Superbowl was on TV!
Kayla and Emmy screaming for eachother in bowling.
Tim and Ryan yelling while they played baseball.
What a blast this weekend has been, despite the unhappy events of a few
days prior.
WE love WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a WII fan. I was the one who pushed to get it for something
fun and active to do as a family.
But I tell you- I have seen magic happen with this game!
Saturday night we had Susan, Brian, Jack and Nick over.
Grandpa and Grandma Dean were here too. It is so fun to watch
the guys play, or to see a grandchild compete with his or her Grandma!
Tonight we had the VanHorns over. I have never seen more excitement in a room
before. It was like the Superbowl was on TV!
Kayla and Emmy screaming for eachother in bowling.
Tim and Ryan yelling while they played baseball.
What a blast this weekend has been, despite the unhappy events of a few
days prior.
WE love WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Motherly moments and choices
At the end of each day there are always little things that I wish I did better.
Things I wish I had said differently, patience I wish I had more of, and moments I wish I would have relished in a bit longer.
But in the grand scheme of things I'm really proud of so many choices and experiences I've both had as well as given to my children.
So during those moments that I feel regret for a mistake in mothering I want to reflect on these accomplishments.
And during the moments that my pre-teen or teenage children think I'm a horrible mother :) (which they will at times with those raging hormones) I hope that they will read these posts and realize how often I think of them and how much I try to do for them.
1. Staying at home. I don't think there is anything that I am more proud of, more fulfilled by and that I think is more important for a child. I hope my kids know as children and one day as adults that there is no place on earth I'd rather be than at home raising them. They will always know I was there to build snow forts on snow days. I was there to make cookies at 10:00 AM for no special reason.
I was there to read book after book, color pictures and make play-doh creations.
I'm there to give and receive hugs, referee fights and instill values.
I was there to take them to the library, make spontaneous trips to visit relatives, go to Gymboree and practice piano.
I play dinosaur and unicorn and Dumbo and Safari and make spaceships out of cardboard boxes. And not only do my children enjoy it, but I do too!
My friend, Jenner and I talk about it often. You can teach your child so very much,
instill such great values and manners, prevent so many injuries and help them navigate through tough social situations.... all by simply being present.
2. Breastfeeding. For a total of almost 3 years!!! While I am not proud of my breasts by any stretch (they have shrunk to nothing)I am so proud of nursing this long. I can't think of more tender moments I've had than these, and the benefits are numerous.
3. Being my kids' first teacher. I know they will have so many great teachers in their lives, but I am so proud that I was their first one. I love knowing that my kids learned to read and write and share and use manners with me in our cozy home.
I love knowing that I helped them with their first science experiments, first computer games and first art projects. Again- all by simply being present.
4. Taking our kids anywhere and everywhere! I love finding all the events that stir Kayla's passions or excite Collin. I know what they love and I love giving it to them. Dinosaurs, archaeology, racecars, animals and more. If I can find an event I think they'll like... we're there!
5. Road trips. OK I can't take all the credit for this one. Part of the reason we road trip most places is because I don't like flying!! LOL
But there is nothing like being in cars and hotels with your family for hours on end.
We have truly become the best of friends.
6. Letting them have a voice. I've been told more than once that I'm crazy for letting my kids be such a big part of our family's decisions.
But I've always believed they are capable, intelligent human beings with real opinions... not just childish whims.
So it's fine with me if Kayla chooses not to eat mammals or Collin chooses not to go to preschool. It matters to me where they want to live or where they want to go to school. I really appreciate their little voices and the hearts behind them.
7. Making up stories. This has been a tradition in our family since Kayla could barely talk. Tim and I have always read them each books before bed and then made up a story to tell them. Tim tells stories of Planet Jaboo for instance. I tell stories about Princess Buttercup and the land of Colors. I love imagination and wild zany things. I love oral tradition and I love hearing my kids telling each other made up stories too!!
8. Being married to the best Dad they could possibly have. This should really even be number one on my list. I hear the calls Dr. Laura gets from women complaining about how horrible their husbands are with their kids and what deadbeats they are.
Dr. Laura always has the same response, "Well you picked him!"
It's true. When we marry we aren't just picking a partner for ourselves, we are picking our children's father. What a monumental thing that is!
Well I picked well and have the most involved, nurturing patient Dad for my kids!
They call him "The King of Fun". :)
9. Discipline. This might be a strange one, but I'm so glad that Tim and I aren't the weak, give your child everything and never let them hear you angry at them kind of parents that seem to so widely exist today.
Our kids know when they have done wrong. We let them know it and they know they aren't perfect. I'm not the Mom who believes every kid on every team deserves a trophy and that they should be rewarded for every little move they make in life.
While I am a huge believer in positive reinforcement, I also have NO problem with negative reinforcement and I believe my kids are the better for it.
10. Last, I am proud that I believe strongly in family ties. I am so glad that my kids love their grandparents so much. I'm so glad that they value their cousins and Aunts and Uncles so much. I love that Collin wants to color a picture for Great Grandma Wharton or that Kayla wants to call Nana or Grandma Elephant for no reason.
I love that things make Collin think of Chasing Papa or a song reminds Kayla of Papa Tom. We fly, we drive, we call and we write. And I am not just proud of myself, but of the grandparents and Aunts and Uncles who also value this and constantly connect with us!!!!
Whew! I feel like one rockin' Mom right now! I need to read this once a week.
Especially on days where Collin smashes a bug and I say, "Collin why did you do that!?" and he says, "because I wanted to kill it Mom"!
Those are moments when I wonder where I went wrong and what I could do to be a better Mom!!! LOL
Things I wish I had said differently, patience I wish I had more of, and moments I wish I would have relished in a bit longer.
But in the grand scheme of things I'm really proud of so many choices and experiences I've both had as well as given to my children.
So during those moments that I feel regret for a mistake in mothering I want to reflect on these accomplishments.
And during the moments that my pre-teen or teenage children think I'm a horrible mother :) (which they will at times with those raging hormones) I hope that they will read these posts and realize how often I think of them and how much I try to do for them.
1. Staying at home. I don't think there is anything that I am more proud of, more fulfilled by and that I think is more important for a child. I hope my kids know as children and one day as adults that there is no place on earth I'd rather be than at home raising them. They will always know I was there to build snow forts on snow days. I was there to make cookies at 10:00 AM for no special reason.
I was there to read book after book, color pictures and make play-doh creations.
I'm there to give and receive hugs, referee fights and instill values.
I was there to take them to the library, make spontaneous trips to visit relatives, go to Gymboree and practice piano.
I play dinosaur and unicorn and Dumbo and Safari and make spaceships out of cardboard boxes. And not only do my children enjoy it, but I do too!
My friend, Jenner and I talk about it often. You can teach your child so very much,
instill such great values and manners, prevent so many injuries and help them navigate through tough social situations.... all by simply being present.
2. Breastfeeding. For a total of almost 3 years!!! While I am not proud of my breasts by any stretch (they have shrunk to nothing)I am so proud of nursing this long. I can't think of more tender moments I've had than these, and the benefits are numerous.
3. Being my kids' first teacher. I know they will have so many great teachers in their lives, but I am so proud that I was their first one. I love knowing that my kids learned to read and write and share and use manners with me in our cozy home.
I love knowing that I helped them with their first science experiments, first computer games and first art projects. Again- all by simply being present.
4. Taking our kids anywhere and everywhere! I love finding all the events that stir Kayla's passions or excite Collin. I know what they love and I love giving it to them. Dinosaurs, archaeology, racecars, animals and more. If I can find an event I think they'll like... we're there!
5. Road trips. OK I can't take all the credit for this one. Part of the reason we road trip most places is because I don't like flying!! LOL
But there is nothing like being in cars and hotels with your family for hours on end.
We have truly become the best of friends.
6. Letting them have a voice. I've been told more than once that I'm crazy for letting my kids be such a big part of our family's decisions.
But I've always believed they are capable, intelligent human beings with real opinions... not just childish whims.
So it's fine with me if Kayla chooses not to eat mammals or Collin chooses not to go to preschool. It matters to me where they want to live or where they want to go to school. I really appreciate their little voices and the hearts behind them.
7. Making up stories. This has been a tradition in our family since Kayla could barely talk. Tim and I have always read them each books before bed and then made up a story to tell them. Tim tells stories of Planet Jaboo for instance. I tell stories about Princess Buttercup and the land of Colors. I love imagination and wild zany things. I love oral tradition and I love hearing my kids telling each other made up stories too!!
8. Being married to the best Dad they could possibly have. This should really even be number one on my list. I hear the calls Dr. Laura gets from women complaining about how horrible their husbands are with their kids and what deadbeats they are.
Dr. Laura always has the same response, "Well you picked him!"
It's true. When we marry we aren't just picking a partner for ourselves, we are picking our children's father. What a monumental thing that is!
Well I picked well and have the most involved, nurturing patient Dad for my kids!
They call him "The King of Fun". :)
9. Discipline. This might be a strange one, but I'm so glad that Tim and I aren't the weak, give your child everything and never let them hear you angry at them kind of parents that seem to so widely exist today.
Our kids know when they have done wrong. We let them know it and they know they aren't perfect. I'm not the Mom who believes every kid on every team deserves a trophy and that they should be rewarded for every little move they make in life.
While I am a huge believer in positive reinforcement, I also have NO problem with negative reinforcement and I believe my kids are the better for it.
10. Last, I am proud that I believe strongly in family ties. I am so glad that my kids love their grandparents so much. I'm so glad that they value their cousins and Aunts and Uncles so much. I love that Collin wants to color a picture for Great Grandma Wharton or that Kayla wants to call Nana or Grandma Elephant for no reason.
I love that things make Collin think of Chasing Papa or a song reminds Kayla of Papa Tom. We fly, we drive, we call and we write. And I am not just proud of myself, but of the grandparents and Aunts and Uncles who also value this and constantly connect with us!!!!
Whew! I feel like one rockin' Mom right now! I need to read this once a week.
Especially on days where Collin smashes a bug and I say, "Collin why did you do that!?" and he says, "because I wanted to kill it Mom"!
Those are moments when I wonder where I went wrong and what I could do to be a better Mom!!! LOL
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Just happy to be here
So at some point I really want to write about the things that I am most proud of as a Mom.
But I am finding that I'm not able to do it right now.
After a recent tragedy in our extended family, as a Mom took her own life, all I can think about is that I'm happy to be here.
I hope that my kids never have to experience the awful devastation of losing a parent while they are still children.
When taking your own life seems like the best option, a person must be in such a deep depression and so totally lost that it is unfathomable to most of us.
It scares me.
I wonder if a person has those tendencies and thoughts from a young age, or can a major depression happen to any of us?
That REALLY scares me.
Suicide seems so utterly selfish to me, but that makes me realize just how much I DON'T know about depression. While many people feel angry towards this woman, I can't help but feel totally sad for her.
I don't want to think that she is in hell, as some people may.
I want the suffering to be over for her.
Most of all, I hope that her kids can find some kind of peace. I feel the worst for them!
But for right now, I am holding my kids a little closer and just feeling happy to be here.
But I am finding that I'm not able to do it right now.
After a recent tragedy in our extended family, as a Mom took her own life, all I can think about is that I'm happy to be here.
I hope that my kids never have to experience the awful devastation of losing a parent while they are still children.
When taking your own life seems like the best option, a person must be in such a deep depression and so totally lost that it is unfathomable to most of us.
It scares me.
I wonder if a person has those tendencies and thoughts from a young age, or can a major depression happen to any of us?
That REALLY scares me.
Suicide seems so utterly selfish to me, but that makes me realize just how much I DON'T know about depression. While many people feel angry towards this woman, I can't help but feel totally sad for her.
I don't want to think that she is in hell, as some people may.
I want the suffering to be over for her.
Most of all, I hope that her kids can find some kind of peace. I feel the worst for them!
But for right now, I am holding my kids a little closer and just feeling happy to be here.
Monday, May 19, 2008
What can I say?
This movie was absolutely awesome!
I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in a long time!
I don't have much else to say today.
I hope to post a bit of Kayla's piano recital this week.
I also hope to compose a "Pat on my own back" blog entry this week.
We took the kids to an archaeology exhibit the other day and my Mom
mentioned how many neat things we do with the kids.
That made me feel really good, because the times I cherish the most
are the times we share as a family. And the things I am most proud
of in my life are things I've done with or for my kids.
So it got me thinking to what things I am MOST proud of as a Mom.
And not my kids accomplishments, because we Moms always have lots of
those to beam about.
But what things I've done as a Mother that make me feel proud and complete.
I am thinking on that and I'll write about it soon.
This movie was absolutely awesome!
I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in a long time!
I don't have much else to say today.
I hope to post a bit of Kayla's piano recital this week.
I also hope to compose a "Pat on my own back" blog entry this week.
We took the kids to an archaeology exhibit the other day and my Mom
mentioned how many neat things we do with the kids.
That made me feel really good, because the times I cherish the most
are the times we share as a family. And the things I am most proud
of in my life are things I've done with or for my kids.
So it got me thinking to what things I am MOST proud of as a Mom.
And not my kids accomplishments, because we Moms always have lots of
those to beam about.
But what things I've done as a Mother that make me feel proud and complete.
I am thinking on that and I'll write about it soon.
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