Friday, May 30, 2008

The true nature of Lucy

Is Lucy a Chihuahua or a Cavachon?
The kids just can't decide based on her deceiving fluff.
Underneath she is a quivering skinny Chihuahua.
Take a peek at her bath picture and then her after-bath picture.
What a difference a towel dry makes!

Lucy had her last round of shots this past week and is a whopping 6 lbs!
She has more than doubled her weight!
She has grown enough to get to hang out in the "doggie playroom" during the day
instead of in her kennel or under my close supervision.
The "doggie playroom" is the basement where the big dogs hang out with Tim all
day while he works.
You can tell how cool Lucy feels when she hangs out down there. :)

She is a sweet bundle of joy who makes the kids giggle often and who gives
me my baby fix when needed.
She also has a bit of attitude. But we'll call that spunk!

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