Friday, May 30, 2008

GARAGE SALE on Ross Lake Drive!

Today was a beautiful breezy 75 degree day and the perfect start to our weekend garage sale. I can't believe how much STUFF we have!
What is it with American families and the STUFF we accumulate?
It felt so good to know that we have gone through almost every box we own and that
we are selling over half of the kid's toys.
We worked all week to get ready for the sale and then I made the super smart decision to go out with my friend, Audra for drinks and dinner last night. (yeah, not a good idea the night before a garage sale).

Then for some strange reason no one could sleep in our house last night, including the dogs. So I slept from 4:30 AM to 6:30 AM and I'm beat!
I woke up and guzzled more coffee than I ever have in one morning before and got in to action. We sold a ton today, but we expect even more traffic tomorrow.
Jenner came and helped me out a ton!

The best part of the day was seeing Kayla and Emmy work their lemonade stand.
Kayla and Collin made their own signs and that was so cute.
At first the girls had no takers, so they actually paid a little boy a quarter to take a cup of lemonade! I had to explain that might not be the best way to accumulate wealth! Then they got in to the swing of things and made a little money.

Then Collin and Abby opened up their cookie sale table. Let me tell you though, they really ate in to their profits. LOL!

After we close up tomorrow, the kids will take their profits and decide how much to donate and how much to spend on some new toys. :)

What a fun weekend!

I should also mention that Tim had a talk with Collin last night. I won't go in to details, but Collin won't be taking things without asking anymore or hitting me.
I think he might be straightened out!

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