Monday, May 19, 2008


What can I say?
This movie was absolutely awesome!
I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in a long time!
I don't have much else to say today.
I hope to post a bit of Kayla's piano recital this week.

I also hope to compose a "Pat on my own back" blog entry this week.
We took the kids to an archaeology exhibit the other day and my Mom
mentioned how many neat things we do with the kids.
That made me feel really good, because the times I cherish the most
are the times we share as a family. And the things I am most proud
of in my life are things I've done with or for my kids.

So it got me thinking to what things I am MOST proud of as a Mom.
And not my kids accomplishments, because we Moms always have lots of
those to beam about.
But what things I've done as a Mother that make me feel proud and complete.
I am thinking on that and I'll write about it soon.

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