Sunday, May 25, 2008


It is official.
I am a WII fan. I was the one who pushed to get it for something
fun and active to do as a family.
But I tell you- I have seen magic happen with this game!
Saturday night we had Susan, Brian, Jack and Nick over.
Grandpa and Grandma Dean were here too. It is so fun to watch
the guys play, or to see a grandchild compete with his or her Grandma!
Tonight we had the VanHorns over. I have never seen more excitement in a room
before. It was like the Superbowl was on TV!
Kayla and Emmy screaming for eachother in bowling.
Tim and Ryan yelling while they played baseball.
What a blast this weekend has been, despite the unhappy events of a few
days prior.
WE love WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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