Thursday, November 6, 2008


Chris and Kelsey came over to carve pumpkins with the kids and me.
Tim was out of town, and we were really bummed about him missing pumpkin
carving for the first time in our family.
So I'm glad we were able to share it with Chris and Kelsey.

Next night was Halloween and the kids had SUCH a great time.
We met up with Kayla's good buddy, Bailey (who is in her class and lives across the street.. that has been so nice) and her family. Tim went out with the kids and they ended up trick-or-treating for almost 2 hours due to the gorgeous weather.
We ended up going to Chris's and Nana and Papa's to trick-or-treat too.
It was so fun to see the kids dress up as characters and so nice for me to order costumes online.
I really appreciate creativity, but I am not crafty enough to put together some of their costume ideas. Good thing I have Nana nearby- next year Kayla wants to be a music note!

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