Monday, November 24, 2008

Kayla's commercial

Kayla's commercial was filmed on Sunday and I hear it went very well!
Tim took her to the location and stayed with her and although I was so sad to
have missed it (I had to work that night) I'm glad that he got to experience it.
He is always a calming presence so maybe that was a good thing for her first
real paid acting job.
She loved working with the director and producers. Tim said she went through the entire process of filming so it was great experience.
She had to check in to the "talent holding room", go through hair, makeup and wardrobe, and do monitor checks for the fiming crew who had her change a couple of times to get the look right. She went through several "takes" and had so much fun, while learning so much! I'm really excited for her.
The commercial will be on all the local channels, but we will also be sent a link, so I'll post that here when it is time. It will be a month or two before the commercial is running.
This week we are relaxing and enjoying time with family, as my Grandma, Jim, Colleen and Hannah are here!!!


Sandy said...

This sounds like a lot of fun... I can't wait to see the link with the commercial.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kayla!