I love this "fairy chair" that Kayla's friend Bailey created out of a flower.

I love summer reading programs. The kids have been reading and filling up their charts and Kayla reads to Collin several times a day. I love that they love books and I love that this is how I found them first thing in the morning!

I love having a garden to tend to and finding our first red juicy tomato yesterday.

I love that Collin brought this to me and said, "I made a 3 dimensional barn Mommy."
He built it out of k'nex.... wow!

I love that Kayla made this picture on an etch a sketch at a restaurant and showed it to me with her toothless grin. Those teeth can take as long as they please to come in... I love her this way!

I love this kid's face. Could he be any flippin' cuter????

I love our pool umbrella. It was my Mother's Day gift and we Moms really do use it.
When I have friends here we sit under it and eat and drink while the kids swim.

I love Prescott. Known for it's beautiful picturesque town square, it has been used in many movies. Whiskey Row, Bill's Pizza and Prescott Brew Pub are our favorites.
But even above that, the kids and I LOVE the huge courthouse and sprawling lawn.
People lay under the trees and picnic, eat ice cream and just hang out. We made our third trip there last week and it's so fun to have a little vacation spot that you're totally familiar with and where you can walk everywhere you go.

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