Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dinosaur Dig, July 3rd, 2008

At 8:15 on July 3rd, Kayla, Nana, Papa and I waited outside the Dinosaur Journey museum of Western Colorado in Fruita.
There were about 11 or 12 other people waiting as well.
The buses picked us up and drove us to the area they are currently working on.
After we learned about the area (this was a lake that many bones had been washed in to, and we would find mostly Allosaurus and Diplodicus bones) we got to work.
We used hammers, screwdrivers, paintbrushes and some other common tools to chip and slice through the sandstone.

Kayla found the first bone of the day (pictures below) She spotted what appeared to be bone and after careful extraction, she pulled out a piece of Allosaurus rib bone.
She was so excited! The team, including one paleontologist and several employees and volunteers, take special care to map and log each find, so Kayla's name and find are in their books now!
My Dad found an Allosaurus tooth. It was amazing to see the edge still perfectly serrated.
They had plenty of Gatorade and water for us and provided us with an amazing lunch.
It was so hard to stop working though. We compared it to slot machines.
You just want to keep going and going once you find something. It is truly addicting!
It is such a wild feeling to be touching the bone or a tooth of a dinosaur and knowing you're the first one to touch it since it was on the animal's body millions of years ago!

It was hot, dusty grueling work, but it was an experience of a lifetime.
This is something we will definitely do again!

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