Monday, July 7, 2008

Robin's answers

I am... loyal to and protective of those I love
I want... to adopt
I wish... I could live by all of my family again, including the Grandmas
I hate... when people aren't accountable for their mistakes
I miss... my Grandmothers
I fear... loss
I feel... fulfilled
I hear.... the kids pretending
I crave... adventure
I search... for the truth about God and religion, and about 47 other questions on any given day. :)
I wonder... why people can't be more open-minded
I regret... moving away from my Mom
I love... my family
I care... about elderly people
I ache... for needy children
I always... tell my kids I love them
I believe... in putting others before yourself
I dance... often and like a freak, boody smackin' and all
I sing... pretty darn well actually
I cry... when bad things happen to animals or kids in movies
I don’t always... play on the floor with my kids as much as I should
I fight... the real estate market
I write... poems
I never... want to be tied to anything other than my family
I listen... to other people's views on politics and religion
I need... to travel
I am happy... when I am on the road with my family

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