Friday, August 8, 2008

Arizona living

Well we are here in Arizona and the weather is great.
No, really it is! If you happen to be out doing errands around 3 in the afternoon it is
pure torture getting in and out of the hot car, but the AM and PM are so beautiful.
It's worth it.
We're enjoying all the family time with Chris and my parents (and Tom and Joann when they return).

Collin and I happened to check out a preschool on a whim and we both fell in love with it.
He wanted to stay that very day. We've enrolled him and he has already gone one full morning.
He'll be there Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 to 11:00.
It is quite a different concept for a preschool, but one that is right out of Collin's dreams!!! :)
It is one HUGE open room with a spinning outdoor merry-go-round type thing (not the best description) right in the middle of the room. There is a tall loft in the corner that looks like a tree house with a pretend family room with leather couches (kid size) underneath. Then there is a big playhouse on one wall.
The other half of the room is more academic with an arts and crafts area, writing tables, rice and sand table, etc.
And they have a curriculum which I love. But most of the morning is broken up by lots and lots of free play.
It looks like a blast! Yet somehow they are managing to teach them sight words and writing and songs, etc.

Kayla started school on Wed at our neighborhood school. We toured the school and happened to randomly meet a first grade teacher and we LOVED her. So I requested her for Kayla and we got her.
Mrs. Lindon is pretty special.
Unfortunately we're getting pretty mixed reviews of everything else in the school from Kayla.
Some of the kids have not been very nice (most of them actually)
The school work is boring and the only thing she seems to really be loving is going through the hot lunch line.
I met with her teacher before school began and discussed my concerns and she promised me she would get Kayla some different things to read and work on within 2 weeks. She asked me to trust her and bear with her and that she'd get there.
There is some other enriching that Kayla might get as well twice a week.
So I am trying to hold on and be patient and give this a good two weeks.
Kayla wants to go back to school and says she loves it, which I can't quite figure out but I'm going with it. :)
I hope to decide by end of next week or the following if we will keep her there or pull her out and wait for a seat in another program. We shall see.

Right now I am just really proud of both kids for taking this move on with such zest and enthusiasm.
Collin is excited about everything which is so nice to see.
And even when a little boy told Kayla he didn't like her yesterday, she told me it didn't make her sad because she still likes
him and that makes her happy enough.
I have punched the boy in the head in my mind, but outwardly, I'm just smiling.
Kayla just likes experiencing school, regardless of the not-so-great stuff, so we're going with it.

Our house is little but wonderful and we're totally enjoying the pool.
Although Collin took a flying leap to Uncle Chris today and came down, mouth to shoulder blade.
Mouth wounds always look bad but add pool water to it.... and basically Collin was dripping blood all over me and the pool as I carried him out. Poor buddy.
Chris's shoulder is pretty sore too.
We painted Kayla's room light green as she requested and Collin's room is blue and he likes it as is.
Nothing else needs to be done to the house so that is nice. We can just focus on living and enjoying.
We are missing Colorado and I even started crying like a lunatic on the phone today wishing Nicky happy 5th birthday.

But for some reason this move still feels totally right. And hopefully that will keep my mind and heart at ease.

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