Monday, August 25, 2008


I remember all the warnings I got from well-meaning people when I first began talking about finding a house with a pool.
"You'll hate cleaning it". Not so... I love cleaning the pool. I have no idea why.
I walk around and around skimming it and checking everything.
"You'll get sick of going in" Not really. Tim and the kids swim more often than I do, but I love the routine of dinner, swimming, shower then bed time.
They are so fresh and so tired when they finally curl up in their beds!
"You'll constantly worry about the kids" Not with this pool. We are fortunate to have a fence around it. When we go to buy, this is a must again.
We got a few other well meaning comments that I won't take time to list here.
BUT I HAVE MY OWN complaint about having a pool.

I am now a full time laundry service. Besides feeding kids, my sole purpose in life has become to launder towels.
We have towels for bath time, towels that come in after swimming, towels in bags from Collin's swim lessons, towels strewn across lawn chairs and over the pool fence.
I have a towel by the kids bathtub because we haven't found and dug out their bathroom rug yet. There are always towels in the laundry room.
There is usually a towel by the backdoor at some point because we have wood floors and wet feet come walking through.

SO, while I love having a pool and wouldn't have it any other way in AZ, of all the things I worried about with having a pool, I never would have thought it would come down to TOWELS.
I have to get back to my laundry now.

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