Thursday, August 28, 2008

Collin Days

Here are some photos of how Collin spends some of his mornings while big sister is in school.
He is still absolutely loving swimming and is making good and quick progress.
He can't keep himself still or contained when I say it's time to get ready to go to swim class... he is SO excited each time!
Preschool, however, is a different story. The novelty has worn off and he doesn't just dislike going- he is going in screaming, kicking and scratching.
And that is no exaggeration! On Tuesday I said "Forget it- he obviously is just not going to do it."
And one of his teachers told me to be consistent and let him know who has the power (me) and to simply put him down, kiss him and leave.
So Tuesday and today I left him there screaming, which was not much fun for either of us. But each day the school called me and told me he was having a blast 5 minutes after I was out of sight. Little stinker!
Little boys are soooo attached to their Mommies, I tell you.

We are taking the kids to Rainforest Cafe this weekend to celebrate the end of August and a month of doing a great job in school.
Kayla's teacher gives out Popsicle sticks for good behavior, and her art teacher gives them "art bucks" for good behavior, and Kayla was pleased as punch to tell us that she has the most of both in her class.
So we will be celebrating her great behavior and effort in school, and Collin's good manners and effort in preschool.
Once he goes in to preschool with no crying he will be getting a Batmobile toy, but because he does such a great job once he's there without me, we thought he should be included in the celebration anyway!

We're just happy both kids have activities they love and that they are both happy to be here.

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