Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our weekend

We had such a fun filled busy weekend. Below are some pictures.
Yesterday Aunt Pat, Tim, Kayla, Collin and I went to the Arizona science center to visit the Narnia exhibit.
It was really out of this world.
Photography was not allowed, so we tried to capture what we could on Tim's cell phone camera. Here is a link if you want to check the exhibit out. The video at the bottom of the page is great!
It tours around the country like most of those exhibits so if it comes to your city I would highly recommend it!
We walked through the wardrobe in to a snowy wonderland, much like the movie.
The kids were in awe! They got to see Mr. Tumnus at the lampost, sit in the white witch's throne and watch a real catapult demonstration!
Afterwords we had a great lunch together and then I had to leave to shoot a wedding.
Tim and the kids swam with Aunt Pat in our pool and I hear it was a blast.

There are three pictures below of the Narnia exhibit.
Then a picture of Lucy with Kayla. Lucy grew a TON this month for some odd reason.
Lastly there is a picture from this morning. I was describing to the kids and Tim the father/daughter dance at the wedding I was at.
In the 1970's the bride's mother walked in to the living room to find her husband holding their newborn baby daughter and dancing to the song, "Could I have this dance for the rest of my life" and he was crying saying he was just so happy.
Of course I was teary-eyed, describing this to everyone.
We found the song on Youtube and played it and Tim grabbed the kids and started dancing with them to the song.
It was a very sweet and very silly moment. :)

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