Saturday, August 2, 2008

Goodbye Colorado!

Well it is with heavy hearts that we pack up the last of our belongings this morning and get in the car to head to Arizona. Kayla cried until her poor eyes were swollen last night and woke up still feeling a little sad.
Collin goes back and forth between sadness (especially about cousin Nick) to excitement about being by his grandparents and swimming all the time.
I know that when we get in the car the sadness will be replaced by excitement.
We will begin a new chapter in our lives in about 2 hours.
It feels strange to move to a city where the kids are already in school and people's lives are moving along, as ours sort of floats around, unsettled.

But it is also exciting to know that there is a flooded market of houses for us to consider purchasing and schools already in session for us to observe and choose from.
It's almost as if we are getting ready to hand design our life.
There are so many things that are out of our control, but there are so many things that we have choices about. That is exciting!
I pray that we make the right decisions and that we can make them quickly.
I'd like for Kayla to have some friends right away and for Collin to feel some stability.
Well... we're on our way!

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