Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Proud of my babies

Well guess who is swimming independently now?
Collin made the leap to swimming all by himself.
He started doing it yesterday in the pool with Tim.
He felt so empowered, that when he got to swim class
this morning, he told his teacher she didn't need to hold
on to him any more.
And he wasn't kidding. He would swim to her, swim back, and dive
underwater to the bottom without her going under with him.
Miss Stacy says he can hold his breath for an oddly long time.
He thinks it's "a blast" so I am just ecstatic for him.

Another happy moment- Kayla's teacher approached me today about letting Kayla skip first grade reading altogether and just going to second grade for reading groups.
I was so relieved that she wouldn't spend her year reviewing and so proud of her at the same time. I hope they'll get her reading at the correct level soon, but at least this is something. Their social studies and writing curriculum sounds just GREAT in first grade so I am really excited about that too.
I was so hoping it would work out for her to stay at this school for at least this year. I love her teacher and I'm soooo enjoying leaving my house at 3:28 to pick her up at 3:30!!! :)

Kayla has some good buddies in class and is so fortunate to have a "silly boy" at her desk group. She always bonds with the boys who act silly and get rowdy.
Good thing she got Collin for her sibling!

All is well here in our little corner of the world.
And best of all I live by Costa Vida and enjoy sweet pork enchiladas weekly.
I'm sure that soon, my ass will reflect this!!!

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